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Are you in the right place?

Is Successful Well-being (SWB) a perfect fit for you and your life right now?

Are you...

  • A business owner, content creator or high-achiever focused on the impact and difference you want to make
  • Ready to work towards success while prioritising your well-being and personal development so you see results AND enjoy the journey?
  • Ready to work on your boundaries and people pleasing so you have control over your time and energy without feeling guilty?
  • Ready to navigate your emotions so you can get out of your own way and attract success with way more ease?
  • Ready for your resilience and magnetic confidence to become your superpower?


Do you dream of...

  • Waking up and going to bed feeling content with yourself and the life you’re living

  •  Feeling empowered to handle your emotions, have the tools to process stress, worry, over-thinking etc so you can spend more time feeling confident, happy and excited?

  •  Feeling confident in your strengths and having more certainty in getting the results you desire

  •  Being able to release and work through stories from your past that are affecting your current success

  •  Having strategies to prevent burnout and knowing how to regain your energy post burnout



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Still wondering if SWB is right for you?

Here's what you can expect...

SWB's 4 Pillars

These are the foundation and focus of SWB.

  • Trauma-informed well-being
  • Navigating your emotions
  • Energy Management
  • Mindset

Scroll down to expand these pillars and learn just how they can change the game for you!

*Yes these pillars are a focus for SWB but that does NOT mean that SWB is a copy and paste formula or cookie cutter approach!

Each of these pillars will be personalised and tailored to your lifestyle, personality, strengths etc.


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Trauma-Informed Well-being

I‘m here to support you as a WHOLE person that has faced a lifetime of experiences and has been uniquely shaped into the multifaceted person that you are today.

I am here to meet you where you are and hold space for you to process and move through the challenges that you’re facing in your life just now instead of slapping a band aid on them.


Navigating Emotions

Ready to have the tools to confidently navigate your emotions and feelings throughout the day?

I’m here to give you personalised strategies and methods (no one size fits all around here) so you know how to anchor in peace and ease during times of stress, overwhelm, over-thinking etc so you can confidently show up as your best and feel good doing it.

Energy Management

Ever wished you could start and end your day with energy and motivation to spare?

Having spent the last 12 years battling burnout/ exhaustion/ fatigue based chronic illnesses I have curated countless strategies and a wealth of information, ready to empower you to better understand your energy levels and implement a new way of looking after your energy into your life.


I get it, you have some big goals and even bigger ideas about the change and impact you dream of creating around you.

Having a mindset that fuels you and your ideas rather than working against them might just be the shift you’ve been waiting for.

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Have we met yet?

Hi I’m Ailie

(Hayley w/o H)

I'm a trauma-informed well-being and confidence coach passionate about supporting you in navigating your emotions, energy and mindset, so you feel confident you’re in the driver’s seat of your life and creating the results you desire.


I believe that you deserve to achieve success no matter the cards you’ve been dealt.

Your story, identity and who you are in your personal life (your uniqueness and the parts of you that make you different) get to FUEL your impact not get in the way of it. 

They’ll be the reason the people watching your journey (there’s more people than you think) believe in themselves that much more too. 


If you feel like

1.You’ve got so much more to give but you don’t know how to get out of your own way

2.You’ve seen the results you dreamt of and/or you’re where you want to be BUT you thought you’d FEEL more successful, happier etc or different once you got here 


I'm here to support you with the tools and trauma-informed coaching so that your experience doing this crazy thing called life gets to be as impactful and adventurous as you desire while feeling empowered to handle the emotions, feelings and thoughts that come with it.


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Wondering what coaching with me is really like?


Here's what my clients have said...


“I noticed the biggest shift around the thoughts of my work as a business coach and as a business owner. We really went deeper into these things than I've ever done before. I was really able to more fully appreciate and feel empowered by these aspects of myself and my approach. It really allowed me to see that I was completely missing out on communicating about these sorts of things to my audience, and I was really missing a powerful point of connection there.”

“Since really being able to tap into this I have to say my presence on social media and with my community is gathering way more engagement than it has in the past and this was something that I knew I was missing, but I really struggled to figure out, what was behind all of it. I would really highly recommend working with Ailie especially if you're feeling stuck in current reality. I can't sing her praises highly enough.”

Client H

“I’ve started showing up on social media with so much more confidence, there were  certain topics that I was afraid to talk about, I was trying to be more cookie cutter and people pleasing and you helped me understand I didn’t need to do that I just needed to be more myself.

You helped me tap into my own creative energy and I created some of my best performing pieces both in terms of likes and comments and I created pieces I was super happy with that got people to message me (instead of having to do hours worth of outreach). I got so much more connected with my own audience in my business and I was able to attract a couple of sales because my energy was much more calm and attractive rather than pushing and pursuing (for the sale).

You’ve taught me how to ALLOW sales to come into my life which has been super helpful!”


Client M

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Scrolled Straight to the end? 


I'd do the same! Here's a summary of the details...

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